LTEC ECSE School Schedule
(We have carline in front of the building five to ten minutes before and after the start and end of each session, so if you are visiting the school, it might be best to avoid these times, if possible.)
AM Session: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm Mon-Thurs.
PM Session: 1:05 pm - 4:05 pm Mon-Thurs.
MD Schedule
9:00 am – 3:00 pm Mon.-Fri.
LTEC Office Hours:
8:15 am – 4:15 pm Mon.-Thurs.
8:15 am – 3:00 pm Fri.
Contacting Us
If you need to drop off or pick up anything at school, feel free to call. We can pop out and deliver/collect items, so you don’t have to get little ones out of the car!
Reporting Absences
Please report daily absences, including any symptoms of illness.
Transportation Changes
Please provide ample time in order to make transportation changes. Please call 816-874-3680.
Address Changes
You will need to send a new residency document to [email protected] Please complete this as soon as possible. Uploading a new document in PowerSchool will work, but only if you email as well.
Other Demographic Changes
If you need to update phone numbers, Emergency Contacts, etc., you should be able to do this from your PowerSchool Parent Portal account.
LTEC Office Phone: 816-874-3680
Transportation Department: 816-874-3799
Lunch is not provided in the Special Education Early Childhood Program, so please send snacks for your child. You may send a bulk amount or individual snacks daily. Feel free to drop off school supplies before your student starts.
Students and staff may be asked to stay home for a variety of reasons, including:
Fever over 100 degrees – must remain at home until 24 hours fever-free without fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Vomiting – must remain at home until 24 hours have passed since the individual has last vomited Diarrhea (at least three loose or watery stools in the last 24 hours) – must remain at home until 24 hours have passed since the individual last experienced diarrhea COVID-19 – must remain at home for at least five days and may return on day six if symptoms are improving and the individual is 24 hours fever-free
Pink Eye – remain at home until receiving a doctor’s diagnosis or 24 hours have passed since prescription antibiotic eye drop treatment has started or the eye is free from redness and drainage Skin Rash – if the cause of the rash is unknown, the individual will remain at home until the rash is gone or a doctor provides documentation that the rash is not contagious Chicken Pox/Shingles – remain at home until all lesions are crusted and no new lesions appear; this generally occurs on day six after the rash begins Head Lice – remain at home until the active head lice infestation is gone Scabies – remain at home until adequate treatment is completed
Procedural Guidelines
Birthday & Party Invitations: Birthday food items must be store bought, content labeled, and provided in wrapped individual or prepackaged bulk format (e.g., Costco, Sam’s). Advance notice should be provided to the classroom teacher when intending to recognize their student’s birthday at school. School staff cannot provide student address and/or phone number for home birthday party invitation purposes. In addition, invitations for home birthday parties may not be distributed at school unless issued to every student in the class. Student personal information such as address, phone #, birth dates, will not be shared with other families.
Dismissal of Students during School Hours: The following procedures will be followed when dismissing students during the regular school day: 1) Written/emailed parent notice should be sent to the classroom teacher stating the expected time of release. 2) The parent or designated adult should call the office at 874-3680 prior to pick up. Come to the main front door to check the student out. Students will always remain with the teacher until check-out occurs. Students will not be dismissed to parents in school corridors, from the playground, etc. All dismissals will be made exclusively through the school office. 3) In the event there are legal restrictions regarding who may pick up a student, the custodial parent is requested to meet with the principal to discuss the situation and provide necessary legal documentation. Parent cooperation during student dismissal is appreciated with safety being the primary concern. 5) If possible, it is requested that parents/guardians refrain from picking their student up from school during the last 15 minutes before dismissal. This will help in maintaining a safe and orderly environment for our students and staff.
A health aide trained in CPR/AED/First Aid is on duty each day to assist students during illness or injury at school. The health aide will contact the parent/guardian or emergency contact by phone when their child becomes ill at school. The parent/guardian should always inform the front office staff or health aide with their child’s updated emergency contact information to insure timely notification in case of illness or injury. Prompt pickup of the student is required. Health Services may not, according to Blue Springs R-IV School Board Policy, administer prescribed medication unless the parent brings the medication to the clinic and completes the Medication Permit Form.